Friday, October 17, 2008

Why Japanese?

I decided to take Japanese for a number of reasons. I like anime, and manga. The same year I got into anime, et al, I also took a course in Japanese history, and between the two I started to get quite interested in the country and the culture. Through my love of anime I developed a number of friendships with people who later introduced me to all sorts of Japanese music as well as Japanese dramas and other media (テニスの王子様のミュージカル! :D [see next post]). Thus between my interest in the modern culture and the history of the country, I decided a few years ago that I would learn Japanese as soon as I hit college, as my high schools didn't offer it, and a plan to teach myself failed miserably. And so here I am at last! =^.^=


Irene said...

what anime do you like besides serial experiments lain? わたし は Vampire Knight Guily みました, も yuyu hakusho.

ロージー said...

わたしは、「テニスのおうじさま」(Prince of Tennis)と「ガンダムシード」と「Darker Than BLACK」をみます。「ワンピース」と「ナツトー」もみます。いま「モンスター」をみます。

きえ said...

'Sup ;D
I decided to make a blog of my own!